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Porcelain Veneers

Covering Imperfections to Improve Your Smile

A woman with a white, straight smile

It’s easy to become envious of all those Hollywood stars who have perfectly straight and white smiles. While you may think only those with lots of money and fame can afford to have teeth so perfect, you’ll be surprised to know that’s not true at all. With cosmetic dental treatment porcelain veneers in Carrollton, Dr. Ton can help you say goodbye to those imperfections existing on the surface of your teeth. There’s no need for multiple, lengthy procedures when you can have a stellar smile in just two appointments! Call us today to schedule an appointment!

Why Choose LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton for Porcelain Veneers?

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers

These ultra-thin coverings fit nicely over the front of your teeth, covering any and all unsightly imperfections. Porcelain veneers are much more resistant to staining than your regular tooth enamel, which is just one of the many reasons people opt for this method of cosmetic treatment over others! Some of the other great benefits include:

What Can They Correct?

An older woman smiling because her porcelain veneers are covering her imperfections

Veneers can hide a myriad of oral-related problems, including:

Who is a Good Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

A woman in the dentist chair

When imperfections and cosmetic flaws become too much for you to handle, you will discover that porcelain veneers can hide poor, unsightly teeth and replace them with a pretty smile. However, in order to be cleared for treatment with veneers, you must have good oral health. If you have gum disease or tooth decay, you will need to address these issues first before having your porcelain veneers placed.

What is the Procedure Like?

A woman having porcelain veneers placed

The process is quite simple and takes only two appointments. First, you will arrive for your appointment and Dr. Ton will remove a small portion of the enamel from your tooth. This is to ensure that the veneer lays flat against your natural tooth and it adheres correctly. You’ll receive temporary veneers in the meantime, but before they’re placed, she will take impressions of your mouth and send them to the lab. There, they will begin to work on your custom-made veneers, ensuring the color, size, and shape are what you envision.

During your second appointment, you’ll return to have the veneers put into place. Removing the temporary ones, Dr. Ton will carefully place each veneer, giving your teeth a final polish before you’re ready to go!

What Are The Benefits of Veneers?

A young woman smiling and showing off her porcelain veneers while giving a little girl a piggyback ride

Some of the other great benefits include:

How Long Do They Last?

A young man wearing a jean jacket and standing outside while smiling, happy with his veneers

The answer to this question depends on how well you care for your veneers. Should you commit to maintaining good oral hygiene, quit smoking, and avoid stain-causing foods and beverages, you will find that your customized veneers can last between 10 and 15 years. However, if you fall into your previous bad habits, you may be seeing your cosmetic dentist much sooner than you anticipated to have your veneers replaced, resulting in additional time and money spent.

How Do I Take Care of Them?

A young woman standing at the mirror and brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush

Taking care of your veneers is quite easy. All you need to do is:

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Cosmetic dentist and patient talking during initial consultation

Although price isn’t the only factor you should consider when determining if veneers are the right smile-transforming service for you, it certainly is one of them. In this section, we will cover a few important aspects that will determine the cost of veneers in Carrollton. Let’s start at the beginning with how to pick the cosmetic treatment that benefits your smile and your wallet!

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The Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry: What’s Right for Me?

Whether you are unhappy with minor dental flaws or obvious discoloration, there are a number of safe and effective cosmetic dentistry treatments to pick from. So, how can you determine which one is right for you? Here is a cost-related break down of a few of the most popular services to help you determine the answer:

  • Braces – From slight misalignment to severe crowding, both metal braces and discreet alternatives are incredibly effective when it comes to delivering perfectly straight teeth. Typically, they cost around $5,000 - $6,000. Although this is quite an investment, the results can last a lifetime if you wear your retainer as instructed. The only downside is that it doesn’t address the shape or shade of your teeth, necessitating further treatments.
  • Teeth whitening – If your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of wine has begun to take a toll on the appearance of your smile, then in-office or at-home teeth whitening can help! Unfortunately, this treatment is also limited as it cannot fix misalignment and the results typically last anywhere from a few months to a few years.
  • Direct bonding – This quick, cost-effective cosmetic treatment is extremely versatile. From filling in small gaps to fixing discoloration, direct bonding can address a number of dental concerns in as little as a single visit. The drawback of this smile-enhancing treatment is that it is better suited for minor changes and it needs to be redone every few years.
  • Veneers – The upfront cost of veneers in Carrollton is more of an investment, but it is the most effective way to completely transform your smile. Not only can the thin shells of porcelain change the color, shape, and position of your teeth, but the results can last 10+ years with proper care. Plus, the entire process can be completed in as little as two appointments!

How to Make Veneers Affordable

Since veneers aren’t considered medically necessary, they are rarely covered by dental insurance providers. However, that doesn’t mean your smile transformation has to break the bank! To start, we are proud to extend 10% off services to patients with a dental plan and 20% off to those that are currently uninsured. Furthermore, low-to-no interest financing through CareCredit is also available, which is designed to break down the cost into manageable monthly installments. To make handling the financial component of your care as stress-free as possible, our team will cover the details of these options following your initial consultation with our cosmetic dentist in Carrollton.

If you are interested in learning the exact price of achieving your smile goals with veneers, then it is time to schedule an appointment. We look forward to finding a solution that benefits your smile and your wallet!

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