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Emergency Dentist

Hurting Tooth? We’re Here to Help

Pained woman visiting her Carrollton emergency dentist

A dental emergency can throw a busy family’s routine into disarray without any warning. Thankfully, already knowing a trusted dental team will help put everyone’s mind at ease. At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, Dr. Ton always makes emergency cases a top priority. If you or a loved one is experiencing pain, she will make time to provide relieving care on the same day as your initial call. Don’t wait – contact our emergency dentist in Carrollton, TX!

Why Choose LuxSmile Family Dentistry for Emergency Dental Care?

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

X-ray diagram of a toothache in Carrollton

If you suspect that you may have a dental emergency on your hands, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Even if you’re not sure if you require urgent dental care, we want to hear from you. Over the phone, we’ll help you determine if your situation qualifies as a true dental emergency or if you can wait to be treated for a few days. From there, here’s how we typically treat dental emergencies:

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Many patients put off contacting an emergency dentist because they believe that their pain might go away on its own and don’t want to make a big fuss over a small problem. Unfortunately, this leaves issues that require urgent treatment to only get worse, causing more pain and requiring invasive procedures down the road. If you’re experiencing anything out-of-the-ordinary, something that worries you, or oral pain, these are often all good signs that you should contact your Carrollton emergency dentist as soon as possible. We’ll provide you with over-the-phone first-aid guidance and schedule your appointment that same day so we can diagnose and treat the issue. Below, you find a list of some of the most common dental emergencies we treat here at LuxSmile Family Dentistry.

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

Smiling patient and dentist discussing cost of dental emergencies in Carrollton

Unfortunately, there is no way to predict the cost of emergency dentistry in Carrollton before the patient’s initial visit. Some cases can be solved with only a prescription for medication, while others will require more extensive care like custom-made restorations and involved extractions to truly relieve pain and restore oral health for the long term. At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we are happy to work with families to make emergency care affordable and free of stress. Our practice is in-network with most PPO insurance plans and will work hard to maximize your deserved benefits.

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Every Dental Emergency is Different

Woman smiling in Carrollton

If you have a nagging toothache that has been bothering you for days, there is a good chance you will receive very different treatment than someone dealing with an extruded or fully knocked-out tooth. The reality is that no two dental emergencies are the same. If you require an urgent visit to our dental office, you’ll be pleased to know it’s unlikely you’ll spend a lot of money on the actual appointment. Your dental insurance company may agree to pay for some of the cost based on the type of care you need.

The most common methods of treatment our team at LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton offers include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Root canal therapy
  • Tooth extraction
  • Dental crowns
  • Periodontal therapy

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save You Money

Woman flossing teeth in Carrollton

It’s always better to minimize your risk for dental emergencies if at all possible. This is why our dental team is always happy to provide helpful tips to guide you on ways you can lower your chances of needing urgent care. While a sudden fall may not be preventable, an infection that is the result of poor oral hygiene or a serious toothache can be mitigated if treated early on. This is why it is imperative you seek professional treatment sooner rather than later. If you wait too long, you’ll be faced with more extensive procedures that are timely and costly.

Even if you don’t think you can afford emergency dentistry in Carrollton, trust that it is always better to get the help you need instead of putting it off and hoping it will just “go away.”

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

Dental instruments in Carrollton

Some dental insurance companies do agree to cover one emergency exam each year but not all, so you’ll need to check with your individual plan to see what they provide. However, most in-network policies will cover a portion of any minor and major restorative treatments. Depending on the type of care you need as well as how much of your deductible is met and how much is left of your annual maximum, they will agree to pay for anywhere from 50-80% of the total cost. At LuxSmile Family Dentistry, your emergency dentist in Carrollton is pleased to be in-network with most PPO plans and strive to make dental care as affordable as possible.

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

Man holding mirror in Carrollton

For uninsured individuals or those who need help paying the remaining balance for their treatment, we also offer two additional ways to keep your emergency dental care affordable:

  • LuxSmile Dental Plan: By enrolling in one of our in-office dental plans, you can receive basic preventive care as well as various discounts on all other available services.
  • CareCredit: Should you prefer flexible financing, you can enroll in a CareCredit low or zero interest payment plan to help you stay within your budget.

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Closeup of patient preventing dental emergencies in Carrollton by brushing

While it’s never possible to prevent dental emergencies in Carrollton with 100% certainty, there are ways to mitigate your and your family’s day-to-day risk. At LuxSmile Family Dentistry, our team of experts wants to help you avoid some of the most common oral health problems and injuries so you can spend more time enjoying a healthier, happier smile that is decay, disease, and damage-free. Below are a few simple tips to keep in mind, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office.

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Keep Your Regular Dental Appointments

Man seeing a dentist in Carrollton

Every six months, it is recommended that you see your emergency dentist in Carrollton for a regular dental checkup and cleaning. During these visits, we will thoroughly check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and even oral cancer. We’ll also remove any hardened plaque and tartar that put you at risk for gum inflammation. These scheduled appointments make it possible to avoid nagging toothaches and infections caused by poor oral hygiene.

Keep Brushing and Flossing

Woman flossing teeth in Carrollton

In addition to regular visits with our dental team, you should also be continuing to brush, floss, and rinse while at home. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day for two minutes as well as flossing at least once a day and rinsing regularly will help to cleanse your smile of any bad bacteria that might try to burrow into your teeth and gums.

Be Mindful What You Eat

Man eating salad in Carrollton

Too much sugary or starchy foods can wreak havoc on your smile, which is why it’s important that you incorporate healthy foods into your daily diet. Those full of calcium and Vitamin C, as well as lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, will work to encourage good gum health and stronger tooth enamel. By being mindful of what you put into your body, you’ll not only continue taking care of your waistline but also your smile, which can keep you from needing dental fillings, crowns, or even root canal therapy.

Wear a Mouthguard to Protect Your Teeth

Customized mouthguard in Carrollton

Dental injuries can easily happen if you don’t have the right form of protection. A customized mouthguard will protect you from sports-related accidents and even nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism). Its ability to fit comfortably inside your mouth and protect against harsh blows or continuously applied pressures makes it a worthwhile investment when you consider how the alternative could be dental crowns, tooth replacement solutions (i.e., dental implants, dentures, dental bridges), or other forms of extensive oral surgery.

Use Tools to Open Packages, Not Your Teeth

 Man meeting with dentist in Carrollton

Teeth were made to chew food, not open packages and containers. Instead of using your precious pearly whites to rip open a bag, it’s better to find the right tool for the job. If you don’t take this necessary time, you’ll be putting yourself at risk of damaging your teeth, cutting your soft oral tissues, and spending your hard-earned dollars on a visit to the emergency dental office in Carrollton. Instead, find the scissors, pliers, or any other tool before using your teeth to complete the job.

Dental Emergency FAQ’s 

Man with toothache in Carrollton looking at his phone

Do you still have questions about what to do during a dental emergency? At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, our team of experienced professionals will be with you along every step of the way until your smile has fully recovered. For your convenience, we’ve answered some common questions that we receive from our patients below.

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Should I Go to the ER or an Emergency Dentist?

In a time of crisis, it can be difficult to determine whether you need to go to your local emergency room or a dentist. At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, our team and office are fully equipped to care for a variety of issues. However, certain problems may require medical attention before we can tend to your mouth. Some of these include:

  • Deep facial lacerations
  • Broken or fractured jawbone
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing

If you suffer from any of the problems listed above, visit your local ER as soon as possible. Afterward, you can contact our office for emergency dental attention.

How Can I Get Rid of Tooth Pain?

Tooth pain can be a result of several situations, including a lodged object in your mouth, dental trauma, or a tooth infection. After you contact our office and schedule your appointment, you can ease your discomfort by following some of these tips:

  • Place a cold compress on the outside of the affected area
  • Take ibuprofen or another over-the-counter pain-relieving medication
  • Rinse with a salt water solution
  • Place a small amount of clove oil on a cotton ball and dab the affected area inside of your mouth

As soon as you reach our office, we’ll inspect the area in pain and make a diagnosis. If your tooth pain is caused by dental trauma or an infection, you’ll likely require treatment. However, if it’s caused by a simple lodged object, we can easily remove it using our dental scaler and mirror.

What If My Toothache Goes Away On Its Own?

Some individuals choose to “tough out” a toothache, hoping that the pain will go away on its own. And in some cases, that does happen. However, it is not something to celebrate. If the toothache is due to damage in the tooth’s interior, and the pain suddenly vanishes, that is actually a very bad sign.

It is important to keep in mind that teeth are not capable of healing themselves. Therefore, if a severe toothache goes away on its own, it usually indicates that the nerve inside the tooth has died, so it is no longer able to send pain signals to the brain. A dead tooth is a serious problem because the bacteria inside it can spread into nearby tissues and continue to cause damage. It is imperative that a dead or dying tooth receives treatment as soon as possible.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we understand that there’s no replacement that can ever compare to your natural tooth, which is why we’ll attempt to save it if possible. That’s why we offer highly effective root canal therapy to clean and restore the health of infected teeth. However, if the infection has become severe, we may only be able to prevent the issue from spreading by removing it.

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