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Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Restore the Natural Function and Look of Your Smile

person smiling

At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we want our patients to feel comfortable wearing their repaired smiles, which is why we offer metal-free restorations. Modern dental advancements and technology have made it possible for patients to no longer have to choose between a beautiful or a healthy smile. Dr. Ton highly recommends ceramic materials and uses the highest quality of brands such as Emax and BruxZir to give her patients lasting and strong results. Not to mention, metal-free restorations are often considered the safest and gentlest option on your oral tissues and gums!

Why Choose LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton For Metal-Free Dental Restorations? 

What are Metal-Free Restorations?

picture of a variety of metal-free restorations

Metal-free dental restorations can include a variety of different treatments such as:

Typically, metal-free restorations are made from a combination of materials like ceramic, zirconia, and composite resin which contains particles of glass and acrylic. These materials come together to create natural-looking cosmetic dental treatments that restore the strength and look of your teeth after they’ve suffered from decay or damage.

What Are Some Benefits of Metal-Free Dental Restorations?

person on their laptop listening to music

Restorations that are made of metal have a reputation for being stronger than metal-free ones. Although the materials can last longer, they can also cause additional oral damage. Dr. Ton is dedicated to saving her patients time and money in the long-run by giving them the healthiest, harm-free options. We offer these metal-free restorations for a variety of reasons including:

What is the Process of Getting Metal-Free Restorations?

dentist matching patient’s tooth color to a chart

Tooth-colored fillings and bonding can be placed in a single appointment with Dr. Ton and our team of professionals. After removing any damage caused by decay, we’ll apply the resin in your damaged tooth to strengthen and protect it from harmful oral bacteria and cure it using a special light.

To repair your smile with metal-free crowns, bridges, or other restorations, it typically takes at least two visits to our office. This is because each restoration is custom-crafted for your unique mouth to Dr. Ton’s specifications.

We’ll prepare your mouth by removing any dental damage and removing a small amount of tooth enamel to compensate for the extra structure of the restoration. We’ll then take impressions of your teeth to send off to our dental lab and place a temporary restoration in the meantime. Once we receive your permanent restoration, we’ll call you in for your next appointment and place it. To schedule your first appointment and start your journey towards a healthier and brighter smile, contact us today!

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