While the loss of one natural tooth can be a significant struggle all on its own, losing several can make everyday life extremely challenging. You may experience speech problems, difficulties with chewing food, and a dramatic lack of self-confidence – but these consequences don’t have to be permanent! At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, Dr. Ton offers modern, customized dentures as a tried-and-true solution to tooth loss. Please don’t hesitate to contact our dental office in Carrollton, TX today if you have any questions, or if you’re ready to schedule your first appointment.
Full dentures, as their name implies, are designed to replace an entire row of teeth. The natural-looking prosthetics are attached to a gum-colored base that will rest on top of the patient’s natural gum line. When designing dentures, Dr. Ton takes the time to incorporate all of the small details that make your smile wonderfully unique before her instructions (along with detailed impressions) are sent along to our trusted dental laboratory for fabrication. The finished, custom prosthetic should be able to rest securely in the mouth through only natural suction, although some patients may prefer adding a little denture adhesive for optimal stability.
Full dentures are removable, which means the patient should take them out when practicing oral hygiene or sleeping. When not wearing them, we encourage you to store the denture in a container of water – it’s important to not let the appliance dry out, as it may become warped or brittle.
Partial dentures (also referred to simply as “partials”) may be the right choice for patients who have only lost some of their natural teeth and would like to preserve the rest. For instance, Dr. Ton may recommend a custom-made partial if the back teeth are missing, or only the front teeth. Partials typically consist of prosthetic teeth that are attached to a gum-colored, acrylic or metal base. They use strategically located clasps to lock into place, which is why at least some natural, healthy teeth must remain on the arch for the prosthetic to be successful.
Like full dentures, partials are designed to be removable and should be stored in liquid overnight so that they hold their proper shape. Dr. Ton will be happy to offer care and maintenance tips as you prepare to receive your brand-new, fully restored smile!
The first step toward restoring your missing teeth is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ton. During your visit, our team of dental professionals will take images of your oral cavity and perform a physical examination to determine which tooth replacement option best fits your needs. After discussing possible treatments with you and deciding which solution is ideal, we’ll begin the process of creating your replacement teeth.
Typically, receiving full or partial dentures in Carrollton takes place over the course of a few appointments. After sending all of her specifications and measurements to our dental laboratory, Dr. Ton will receive your permanent restorations and call you in to ensure that they fit perfectly. To make any final adjustments, we may schedule a follow-up visit or two as well.
When it comes to replacing your missing teeth with dentures or partials, you’ll be pleased to learn there are many great benefits to these tried-and-true prosthetics, including:
To make sure your replacement teeth have a long lifespan, it’s important to regularly maintain them. Without regular sanitizing and cleaning, your dentures can accumulate bacteria and germs that can increase your risk of developing oral health problems such as gum disease, oral sores, and cavities. Even though your artificial teeth won’t decay or be harmed, your oral tissues and remaining natural teeth can still be affected without regular care. Here are some helpful tips to properly maintain your dentures:
If you have any additional questions about how to extend the lifespan of your dentures, don’t hesitate to contact our team at LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton. We’ll be more than happy to help walk you through any steps and provide you with product recommendations to make the task easier.
At LuxSmile Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we know that you’re concerned about the cost of treatment. When it comes to identifying a particular price point for dentures, you must first schedule a consultation with Dr. Ton. Only after examining your mouth can she know your needs and give you a clearer idea of the overall price of your dentures. Keep reading to learn more about the complexity that goes into calculating the cost of your prosthetic teeth.
Many factors can contribute to the overall cost estimate for your restoration, some of which include:
Also, you will need to consider the price you will pay for maintaining your dentures over time. Relining, adjustments, replacements, and dental adhesive are additional costs.
When you only look at initial cost, implant dentures are typically more costly than traditional ones. However, if you also include the maintenance and replacement costs of traditional dentures over the years, which don’t really apply with implant dentures, you may find that implants are a wiser long-term investment. Not only could you end up saving money, but you can also enjoy all the benefits of having implant dentures, such as a more stable bite, less jawbone loss, and a more confident smile.
Although each insurance plan may be unique in its specific coverage, dentures are generally covered in part. In fact, many insurance plans will pay for about 50 percent. This means that you’ll likely be responsible for paying only a portion of the overall cost out-of-pocket. Before we begin treatment, our team of experienced dental professionals will closely review your plan and find ways to save you as much as possible.
Besides dental insurance, our team can work with you to establish ways to pay that include enrolling in the LuxSmile Dental Plan or applying for flexible financing. Our savings plan helps with the cost of future dental checkup and cleaning appointments so that your new dentures stay in excellent shape for as long as possible. Flexible financing also allows you to break up the cost of your dentures into smaller payments instead of one large lump-sum payment.
Would you like to know even more about dentures and partials? We’ve assembled the following list of frequently asked questions, along with their answers, to help you find information that you may be curious to know. When you are ready to talk to our team about replacing your lost teeth, we will be happy to answer any further questions you may have and get you on the road to enjoy a complete smile.
Many patients who have lost a significant number of teeth are happy with their decision to get dentures. However, this treatment does have a few drawbacks. That is why, in some cases, we recommend implant-retained prosthetics instead of traditional dentures. Dental implants can help to stabilize your new teeth and ensure that they last as long as possible. They also stimulate the jawbone and help it to retain its natural shape.
With proper care and periodic relining (adjustments), dentures usually last for about 5 – 7 years. They need to be replaced every so often because tooth loss causes the jaw to gradually change shape. Eventually, those changes reach the point where it is no longer possible to adjust the dentures to fit correctly.
If a tooth falls out of your denture, cracks form in the acrylic, your denture becomes warped, or it breaks altogether, you should contact us immediately. If your denture is still mostly intact, you might be able to temporarily repair it with some adhesive from a local pharmacy. However, keep in mind that DIY repairs are meant just to be a stopgap measure until you can get professional help. In cases where the denture is warped or fractured, do not try to continue using it; doing so could cause significant discomfort.
When you arrive at our office, we’ll take a look at your denture and let you know whether it is possible to fix it or if it needs to be replaced.
You will have to check the specifics of your dental insurance policy to see how it applies to dentures. In most plans, dentures are considered to be a “major treatment” and are covered at about 40 – 50%. If you need help to manage the remainder of their cost, our team can help you to apply for low-interest financing through CareCredit.
Dentures are designed to retain their original appearance throughout their lifespan. If you want your artificial teeth to be a different shape, color, or size, our team will be happy to talk to you. We may be able to design a new prosthetic that is more in line with your wishes.
On the other hand, if you are merely concerned because your dentures are looking a little lackluster lately, you might be able to spruce them up by soaking them in a denture bleaching solution or cleaning them with a bit of hydrogen peroxide.